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This isn't really a game so much as an infinitely looping train on a set of randomly generated tracks.

Controls: 'R' to reset the scene and generate a new path every time!


This project was initially inspired by a conversation on train games with a friend. I had recently figured out how to script adjustable Bezier curves in Unity and C# and really wanted to see if that script could be used to generate a random path for train tracks to be laid down.

I had a lot of fun with this one - just very simple sort of placeholder models and textures in here, my main focus was generating tracks along randomly generated Bezier splines (with curve controls), but I also got into making a tunnel shader that the train could disappear into. That shader is aided by a stencil shader so that the train doesn't show through the other side of the tunnel when it goes through!

Who knows if that makes sense, but I had a really nice time making it :)


Things I was playing with in this scene:Random track generation

  • Objects following bezier pathing
  • Random name generation on signs
  • Procedural sign placement
  • Tunnel shader with faked depth
  • Stencil shader for hiding the train from the other side of the tunnel... Plus some fun magic stuff that hides the shadow as well.


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Hi there! (I hope this is ok to ask here.) I am an aspiring English > German translator, looking for projects to help out with. Do you plan on translating your game "One Fine Tourney" into more languages in the future (specifically German, of course)?

Hi Drowzee, thanks for reaching out - I don't have any plans for translations yet, but in the next few months I may revisit that.